Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fab Friday Link Up!!

Today I'm linking up to celebrate the FAB in my life!  
Here are the things I'm celebrating this week!!

Fab #1 

my Superbowl winnings in the work pool - granted I really didn't care about the game, but I was pumped that somehow I landed the correct numbers to 'win' the first quarter in our work pool!!

Fab #2

the phone date I had with my wonderful friend Heather!  We really hadn't talked since the wedding and it was so great to hear her voice and catch up on her life.  She has 3 beautiful kiddos and unfortunately they've been battling the flu for a few weeks at her house - here's to hoping thats over with now!

Fab #3

yesterday was FREE BAGEL DAY at Brueggers!!  The work girls and I were all over that!  Yummy!!

Fab #4- #5

I'm heading back to WISCONSIN this weekend!!!  This counts for at least 2 'fabs' this week!  I get to see my wonderful family, hopefully some high school friends AND we are going bridesmaid dress shopping for my sisters upcoming wedding!!  I CAN'T wait!!

My brother & sister in law @ our wedding
My parents with  my sister & her fiance @ our wedding
my fabulous high school ladies @ my bridal shower

Tell us what is FAB in your life this week!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Jamie to share what I'm loving....

In no particular order.... here are a few things I'm loving this week!

this weather

don't get me wrong - it still isn't warm by any stretch of the imagination in MN - its MUCH warmer than it was last week.  I absolutely hate winter.  I mean hate it.  I want to curl up in a ball wrapped under about 50 blankets in my nice comfy bed....and sleep from about Nov-April.  'Why do you live there' you may ask?  Well...I'm not exactly sure is our answer.  We're both WI natives - so we're used to winter.... and even though neither one of us enjoy them - we still can't seem to leave for a warmer climate...

This week                                 Last week

my job

yes, I actually said it.  I really do love my job.  I work for a large corporation (30,000+ employees) however, I'm located in a tiny 15 person sales office.  We frequently describe ourselves as a 'family'.  It's great, everyone is friendly, and it's a relatively low stress job.  I'm honestly quite blessed.  I've had jobs that I've DREADED going to every day - and I give thanks often that this one is so great.  My office is way up on the 30th floor of a building - so when it snows (which it does often here) it's almost like we live in a snowglobe!)  We also have a relaxed dress code (hello blue jeans everyday!!) and did I mention we play 'put for a buck' mini golf on Fridays?  Oh - and I won $20 in the Superbowl pool over the weekend!

Friday mini-golf


Superbowl winnings!!

donald driver

love him. love him. love him.
I'm (slightly...ok majorly) obsessed with the Green Bay Packers.  Nick & I both are 'owners' of the team.  (ie - we both spent a ridic amount of money to 'buy' Packers stock a few years ago when they went on sale).
Donald officially retired today.  He has been with the Pack since 1999 - and is literally my favorite player.  Such a class act.  He's humble, generous in the community and overall a wonderful role model.  This is the type of person you would hope EVERY professional athlete could be.  He is someone you WANT young children to look up to and to aspire to be like.

On the field he holds the Packer franchise records for receptions, yards, number of touchdowns and is 2nd in regular-season games played (to Brent Favre...yes, the spelling was intentional - look for a future post on how NOT to be a role model)

Off the field - he has helped countless people both in the Green Bay area and nationally through the Donald Driver Foundation.  He hosts a golf outing every year, a celebrity softball game, football camp, pool tournament and charity dinner/auction.  The foundation provides scholarships as well as helping families in hard financial times - this man is seriously amazing.  Not to mention - he did win a season of Dancing with the Stars!

seriously... who doesn't like to look at this???

my amazing hubby

Seriously. I'm lucky.  I know it.
No marriage/relationship is perfect - but ours is pretty awesome.  We can truly just be ourselves with each other.  We are both pretty independant people and I love that our relationship allows us to not only spend time together, but also to be ok with doing our own things. 
I love that he cooks me yummy meals (frequently, since the only meal I really cook is breakfast...)
He drives me to work every morning, its great because we get an extra 15-20 minutes together every day on the commute in.  It's also great because then I don't have to drive and can just take the lightrail commuter train home at night.

the view on our drive to work

us...being 'us'  (and supporting our beloved Green Bay Packers!!!!)

What are you loving this Wednesday?